Pymol tutorial ucla
Pymol tutorial ucla

Xenobiotic Metabolism by Cytochrome P450 Enzymes: Insights Gained from Molecular Simulations (Zhiqiang Fu, Jingwen Chen).Pages 337-364 Molecular Modeling Method Applications: Probing the Mechanism of Endocrine Disruptor Action (Xianhai Yang, Huihui Liu, Rebecca Kusko).Pages 315-335 In Silico Prediction of the Point of Departure (POD) with High-Throughput Data (Dong Wang).Pages 299-313 Predictive Modeling of Tox21 Data (Ruili Huang).Pages 279-297

pymol tutorial ucla

Predicting the Risks of Drug-Induced Liver Injury in Humans Utilizing Computational Modeling (Minjun Chen, Jieqiang Zhu, Kristin Ashby, Leihong Wu, Zhichao Liu, Ping Gong et al.).Pages 259-278 Auerbach).Pages 141-157Ī Pair Ranking (PRank) Method for Assessing Assay Transferability Among the Toxicogenomics Testing Systems (Zhichao Liu, Brian Delavan, Liyuan Zhu, Ruth Robert, Weida Tong).Pages 159-180Īpplications of Molecular Dynamics Simulations in Computational Toxicology (Sugunadevi Sakkiah, Rebecca Kusko, Weida Tong, Huixiao Hong).Pages 181-212Īpplicability Domain: Towards a More Formal Framework to Express the Applicability of a Model and the Confidence in Individual Predictions (Thierry Hanser, Chris Barber, Sébastien Guesné, Jean François Marchaland, Stéphane Werner).Pages 215-232Īpplication of Computational Methods for the Safety Assessment of Food Ingredients (Patra Volarath, Yu (Janet) Zang, Shruti V.

pymol tutorial ucla

Mode-of-Action-Guided, Molecular Modeling-Based Toxicity Prediction: A Novel Approach for In Silico Predictive Toxicology (Ping Gong, Sundar Thangapandian, Yan Li, Gabriel Idakwo, Joseph Luttrell IV, Minjun Chen et al.).Pages 99-118Ī Review of Feature Reduction Methods for QSAR-Based Toxicity Prediction (Gabriel Idakwo, Joseph Luttrell IV, Minjun Chen, Huixiao Hong, Ping Gong, Chaoyang Zhang).Pages 119-139Īn Overview of National Toxicology Program’s Toxicogenomic Applications: DrugMatrix and ToxFX (Daniel L. Khan, Tero Aittokallio, Andreas Scherer, Roland Grafström, Pekka Kohonen).Pages 57-74Ĭardio-oncology: Network-Based Prediction of Cancer Therapy-Induced Cardiotoxicity (Feixiong Cheng).Pages 75-97 Matrix and Tensor Factorization Methods for Toxicogenomic Modeling and Prediction (Suleiman A. Modelling Simple Toxicity Endpoints: Alerts, (Q)SARs and Beyond (Richard Williams, Martyn Chilton, Donna Macmillan, Alex Cayley, Lilia Fisk, Mukesh Patel).Pages 37-55

pymol tutorial ucla

Computational Toxicology Promotes Regulatory Science (Rebecca Kusko, Huixiao Hong).Pages 1-11īackground, Tasks, Modeling Methods, and Challenges for Computational Toxicology (Zhongyu Wang, Jingwen Chen).Pages 15-36

Pymol tutorial ucla